Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy (POPI Act Compliance

POPI Act 2013 Compliance: The user of this site, who engages with Grit Procurement Solutions Pty Ltd, hereby takes note and understands that the POPI Act Requires any Company “Juristic Person/Body” or Natural Person, is subject to the conditions of the Act. As a user, by accepting the terms and conditions, further hereby give consent to Grit Procurement Solutions to use the data provided by yourself, for the sole purposes of its intended use, and no other use unless specified, the data collected from yourself either directly or indirectly by means of the use of this site, or by a third party may only be used for operational or transactional purposes and may not be used for any other purposes not consented to. The List of Data below indicates, the data that you have provided, as well as its intended purpose and in effect, gives consent to be used as described. Any Data shared with a Third Party will be done for the sole purpose to conduct business and or process business transactions between yourself, Grit Procurement, and the Third Party, and forms part of the general consent

Any Natural Person, may withdraw his/her consent at any time, however, such withdrawal may impact the business / transactional processes and thus may hinder the successful completion of said transaction. Any Natural person may request from the company reasonable access to his / her personal data, and may ask to have the data updated or amended. Data must be accurate and correct at the time of supplying the data. In the event of a minor providing data, the minor must have the consent of an adult, therefore no data will be accepted from a minor but such data for the purposes described below, will be provided by an Adult Guardian / Parent.

 Any person who reasonably believes that the Company is acting in a manner which is not in line with the POPI Act Regulations may request information from the designated Information Officer duly appointed or may lodge a complaint in accordance with the POPI Act.

Information Officer: Pierre Marneweck –

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